My Desert Retreat

The desert is my teacher.

The spring weather brought with it a wave of optimism but then again has been a bit distracting from blog writing. In April I was able to travel to California to visit family. Spending time in the desert and meeting new people was energizing for me. And Joshua Tree National Park always offers an incredible connection with nature.

Here are a few highlights from my time in the desert.

Making art. One day we decided to get out our sketchpads and art supplies. The colors and textures of the desert are so fascinating - perhaps because it’s so vastly different from the landscapes in Oregon. I did this drawing of a tree right outside of our camper. The tree stood apart from others and I liked the simplicity of it’s shape.

Feeling connected to nature. During the pandemic I spent so much time at home but nature always offered a respite - whether it was going for a hike or simply taking my dog for a walk. There’s something about the stark landscape of the desert that’s intriguing and draws me in to want to discover more.

Colors and textures. If you have a chance, check out the new Netflix series called “Life in Color with David Attenborough.” It’s a series hosted by the 94-year old broadcaster about the role that color plays for humans and various species. It really is an absolute must if you’re fascinated by colors and textures the way that I am.

Learning new things. Taking a hike often helps me to get acquainted or catch up with old and new friends alike. This trip helped me to hear how things were going for others because 2020 was a tough year with Covid. I enjoyed discovering some new trails while learning about other perspectives on relationships, gender identity, politics and food. I had no idea the desert would teach me so much!

I hope your year is off to a good start. And please drop me a line if you have some ideas for a blog, I’d love to hear from you!

In the meantime, wishing you and your camera happy trails this year!

~ Linda

“The land is a being who remembers everything.”

- Joy Harjo

Joy Harjo is an internationally renowned performer and writer of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Joy is currently serving her second term as the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States.


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